HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

Alles wat te maken heeft met meetapparatuur en ander gereedschap.
Berichten: 550
Lid geworden op: 01 nov 2008, 11:52
Roepletters: ON4MA
Locatie: Belgie

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#136 Bericht door on4ma »


check your pm

marc on4ma

Berichten: 21
Lid geworden op: 27 nov 2014, 07:56

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#137 Bericht door DH1KLM »

Hello Marc,
please check also your pm.
Have sent my mail twice, but no answer?!
Did you get it?

73 de Sigi, DH1KLM

Berichten: 550
Lid geworden op: 01 nov 2008, 11:52
Roepletters: ON4MA
Locatie: Belgie

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#138 Bericht door on4ma »

DH1KLM schreef:Hello Marc,
please check also your pm.
Have sent my mail twice, but no answer?!
Did you get it?

73 de Sigi, DH1KLM


could you send it again. got some problem with my provider, it ok now

Berichten: 197
Lid geworden op: 30 sep 2014, 12:05
Roepletters: ON5DRE
Locatie: Vlaams Brabant

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#139 Bericht door ON5DRE »

Hello all,

I know, main language for this forum is dutch, but just so our foreign friends could follow the story, my post is in English.

I have the Mini60 analyser without the bluetooth model, and thanks to the modified apk from Sigi, it should
be possible to put in a HC-06 bluetooth module ( cheap Ebay stuff ) and run it :-)
so here is my photo-report of how to merge the bluetooth module into the Mini60 analyzer.
time to complete should be in about 20 minutes, yes, is is actually pretty easy if you are able to solder just 5 small points.

I can connect the bluetooth module on my smart phone, but that's about it... my mini60 keeps saying "waiting link".
So I guess there has to be some extra settings in the HC-06 module, like baudrate, handshake, ...
I read in a post from Sigi in another ham forum that he used these settings : 57.600, 8, N, 1, named "MINI60 ANT", PW 1234.
Sigi, can you please confirm that these are correct, because now I have to uninstall my HC-06 module again
so I can connect it to my PC to set it up ( with the AT commands ).

Anyways, enjoy the photo's, if anyone can give me some hints on how to set it up properly,
it would be greatly appreciated !

Kevin ON5DRE.
the unmodified Mini60 next to the HC-06 module from Ebay.
the unmodified Mini60 next to the HC-06 module from Ebay.
mini60_1.jpg (23.72 KiB) 16647 keer bekeken
opened the back, and removed the lithium battery.
opened the back, and removed the lithium battery.
PCB removed from the casing by the 4 screws in the corners.
PCB removed from the casing by the 4 screws in the corners.
mini60_3.jpg (24.37 KiB) 16647 keer bekeken
soldering just 5 small points on the module.
soldering just 5 small points on the module.
mini60_4.jpg (27.52 KiB) 16647 keer bekeken
completed !
completed !
mini60_5.jpg (37.02 KiB) 16647 keer bekeken

Berichten: 21
Lid geworden op: 27 nov 2014, 07:56

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#140 Bericht door DH1KLM »

Hello Kevin,

the only real important thing is to set up the baud rate to 57600 baud.
Use AT+BAUD7 in your terminal program to set the baud rate to 57600.
Parameter 8N1, should be standard.
The name of the Bluetooth module does not matter. Even the Password can be freely chosen.

Have you changed the baud rate before soldering?
I would not go that far to unsolder the module, it should be enough to clean up the RX/TX solder pads from solder.
I would try to solder 2 thin wires to the module without removing it from the analyzer.
When connecting the wires to your computer, be aware that RX and TX line have to be crossed.

73 de Sigi. DH1KLM

Berichten: 197
Lid geworden op: 30 sep 2014, 12:05
Roepletters: ON5DRE
Locatie: Vlaams Brabant

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#141 Bericht door ON5DRE »

Hello Sigi,

I'll try to do that. that way, I don't have to provide the 3.3V supply voltage to the bluetooth module.
As interface to the PC, I have a USB > TTL converter. It has 5V levels, so I'll put a resistor divider
in the TX side of the converter. hopefully the 3.3V on the RX side is sufficiënt.
I'll keep y'all posted !

73' de Kevin ON5DRE.

Berichten: 197
Lid geworden op: 30 sep 2014, 12:05
Roepletters: ON5DRE
Locatie: Vlaams Brabant

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#142 Bericht door ON5DRE »

Turns out that my USB => TTL converter allready has 3.3V levels ... I am using this for a couple of years in my PIC projects without knowing this :-) . I never had a problem with it.

But I have a problem with the HC-06 module.
I use a bluetooth terminal app on my smartphone, and a terminal program on my PC. then I connect the HC-06 via my USB=> TTL converter with the PC. Now, I connect my smart phone via bluetooth. With the settings: 9600, 8, N, 1 on the PC, I can see that everything works, that is : what I write in the window of my PC, comes in the window on the smartphone, and vice versa.

When I disconnect the bluetooth connection, I should be able to set the baudrate of the module via AT commands.
this doesnt work... I don't even get the "OK" when I enter "AT".
I know that the command must be transmitted within one second, but even that "should" be fine... ( copy/paste ).
maybe too much latency in the USB => TTL converter ? I doubt it.
For the moment I'm a little stuck here, I'll keep on trying ;-)

Berichten: 21
Lid geworden op: 27 nov 2014, 07:56

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#143 Bericht door DH1KLM »

I had the same problem.
I tried 4 different terminal programs to find one which works for me.
Normally I prefer Putty, but this did not work.
Now I use HTerm which supports virtual Com Ports.
Page is in German language.

speciale functies
ondersteuning voor willekeurige (virtuele) seriële (RS232) poorten
• Ondersteuning van alle baud beschikbare prijzen op de doelhardware
• Input en output in ASCII, hex, binaire en decimale
• Het verzenden en opslaan van bestanden
• Parity voor verzenden en ontvangen
• Kopie van alle ontvangen formats naar klembord
• Compleet door config file in XML-formaat geïndividualiseerde

Maybe the support for virtual com ports is the sticking point. Other terminal progs. eventually
did have timingproblems when connecting to a virtual com port. :?:
This is the only program that works for me when programming the HC-06 module.
In HTerm you only have to set the correct com port, the actual Baud rate.
8N1 is given as standard.
Now you should be fine to enter AT+BAUD7

73 de Sigi, DH1KLM

Berichten: 197
Lid geworden op: 30 sep 2014, 12:05
Roepletters: ON5DRE
Locatie: Vlaams Brabant

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#144 Bericht door ON5DRE »

Thanks Sigi, with HTerm i can set my bluetooth device properly now !
I have set the baudrate to 57600, and additionally renamed the device to "mini60".
tested the new baudrate with AT, and the device responds "OK" :-)

so far so good, but I still can't connect my smartphone (android) to the mini60.
that is : i can pair the bluetooth module, and via your modified app I can
connect the mini60, but nothing happens from there on.

my steps:
1. pair the bluetooth module with standard pincode 1234 => ok.
2. switch on the mini60
3. press "set" to go to "PC link"
4. press "down" => display shows "PC link waiting link"
5. start the modified mini60 app on the smartphone.
6. connect with the bluetooth module => app says "connected: mini60 succeed!"
by now, my mini60 should say in its display that the PC link is OK, but it doesnt do that,
it keeps saying : "PC link waiting link".

I have sniffed the RX and TX lines from the BT-module to the mini60, and during
the "connection", there is no data transfer... doesn't the app has to send some
sort of confirmation to the mini60 to put it in "PC mode" ?

When I start scanning with the modified app, I can see that there is traffic
from the BT-module to the mini60, but there is no reaction from the mini60.
( because it is still waiting on its link i guess... )

Any thoughts on that matter?
Thanks a lot for the provided help !

Kevin ON5DRE.

Berichten: 21
Lid geworden op: 27 nov 2014, 07:56

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#145 Bericht door DH1KLM »

Hello Kevin,
it seems you have all done in the right way.

For me it looks like there is no serial connection between
the module and the analyzer.
Have you traced the signals or tracks from the serial chip (FT232) down to
the solder pads of the Bluetooth module?
I don't know if the app is sending a confirmation to the mini60.

I have made a video from my sark100 which is connected to a dummy load.
Quality is very poor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up4w6lapSgc

Have you tested the Windows software as well?

DH1KLM, Sigi

Berichten: 197
Lid geworden op: 30 sep 2014, 12:05
Roepletters: ON5DRE
Locatie: Vlaams Brabant

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#146 Bericht door ON5DRE »

Hello Sigi,

I traced the signal all the way into the bluetooth transceiver, and with a terminal
program on my smart phone, I can verify that the bluetooth module works correctly.
Nice video, shows exactely how it should work ! thanks !

The windows software... I haven't got it.
Does the app has a windows version too? I would surely like to test it !
can I download it somewhere?

I am going to try to put your modified app on another mobile device,
because I think that my mobile phone does not send the necessary "connection" confirmation...
I'll keep it posted !

Kevin ON5DRE.

Berichten: 21
Lid geworden op: 27 nov 2014, 07:56

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#147 Bericht door DH1KLM »

Just looked in my mail.
I have sent you a file named WinPCC+Mini60.rar
This contains "WinPCC-Sark100 EN V0.8-En.exe" for Windows and "mini60 18.01.15mod.apk" for Android.

I will send you this file again.


Berichten: 197
Lid geworden op: 30 sep 2014, 12:05
Roepletters: ON5DRE
Locatie: Vlaams Brabant

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#148 Bericht door ON5DRE »

Thanks Sigi,
I'll let you know how it works !

best 73'
Kevin ON5DRE.

Berichten: 3
Lid geworden op: 16 feb 2015, 21:29

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#149 Bericht door on4aev »

ik heb hier als proef een meting gedaan aan een antenne met de rigexpert AA54 en de MINI60

Blijkbaar schijnt de MINI60 geen negatieve Xs waarden te genereren.

Iemand ook dergelijke ervaring met de MINI60, of is er iets loos met m'n MINI60 ?
MINI60 Custom.gif
rigexpert Custom.gif

Berichten: 312
Lid geworden op: 18 nov 2014, 12:57
Roepletters: ON4cgw
Locatie: Wevelgem

Re: HF analyzer 1-60MHz MINI-60

#150 Bericht door on4cgw »


Idd, negatieve waarden worden niet vertoond, nog iemand deze ervaring.

UNUN 1_9 met 20m Draad.

40M Band end fed.gif

Plaats reactie