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Hoefgetrappel omzetten in Morse code

Geplaatst: 19 jun 2014, 12:02
door PA0FRI
Van een Engelstalige kunstenaar kreeg ik het volgende verzoek waaraan ik vanwege privé omstandigheden niet kan voldoen.
Misschien is in dit forum iemand die aan het experiment wil meedoen. Richt uw reactie liefst zo snel mogelijk aan mij.

"Dear Frits,
My name is Oscar Santillan, a visual artist currently based in Maastricht,
where I am a researcher at the Jan van Eyck Academie experimenting on the
intersection between art, science, and nature.
On my search for information on folks using morse-code nowadays, I
stumbled upon information provided on your website, which happen to be a
very interesting finding since it is clear that you are a highly
knowledgeable in the field.
This all is in regards to a new project that I am trying to develop, which
consists on transforming natural sounds into other kind of information.
For some examples on what I mean, you can refer to previous artworks of
The new experiment consists on the transformation of the sound of horse
hoofs (while moving around) into morse-code.
I am seeking for a curious mind, and knowledgeable in this field, who
would like to do this experiment at the Jan van Eyck Academie in
The institution can provide a fair fee for the participant.
It'll be an honor for me if you would be open to the idea. It would be
great to have the opportunity to discuss it in further detail.
All the best,